
Maths can be a fun thing to do with your children.  Maths is everywhere - games, baking, sports!
There are a few web sites that your child and you may enjoy looking at together.  Maths doesn't have to be boring.  :)

Cool maths games covers lots of different topic maths like probability, measurement and time.

Your child has been set up with a username and password to skoolbo which practises both literacy and numeracy skills.  Please have a look at this and help your child get on to it to practise their knowledge.

Mr R's maths songs have been a favourite this year and last year.  Have a look at the maths songs that have been helping your child with their learning.

In Room 15 for maths we have been looking at numeral identification. Some of these songs are easy to learn and help reinforce the knowledge they already have.

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